Andrew Bellucci New York Pizza Dough Recipe

Note: You will need a Standard Home Oven for proper baking of this dough.

  Bakers' % in grams in ounces Recommended
Flour 100% 640 g 22.6 oz High-Gluten Flour
Water 57% 365 g 12.9 oz Water
Yeast or Starter 0.5000% 3.200 g 0.113 oz Cake Yeast
Salt 2.00% 12.80 g 0.45 oz Salt
Oil/Lards/Shortening 1.00% 6.4 g 0.2 oz Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sugar 2.00% 12.800 g 0.5 oz Refined Granulated Sugar
Other 0.00% 0.00 g 0.0 oz -No Others Needed
Totals   1040 g 36.68 oz  


* The above ingredients will yeild 4 doughballs of 260 grams each.

Want to customize this recipe for more or less dough? Use the calculator below. You may want to add a few grams to compensate for residue left in the mixing bowl.

A value is required.Invalid format.Minimum number of characters not met.Exceeded maximum number of characters.Please input a doughball weight of at least 100 g. Please select an item.

See ounces to grams conversion here.


Instructions from the forum thread:

Per Andrew:

If the weather is hot & humid, use very cold water. Otherwise, room temperature is OK. Throw the water in the mixer and add all ingredients but the flour. Stir well with a whisk until combined. Add the flour. Mix on low speed for 8 minutes.

You now have the dough recipe for everyplace I've ever been. Including Lombardi's.

Good pizza has been around long before hydration formulas and such. Don't get so wrapped up into what is really a very simple process. Because that's what pizza is supposed to be. Plain. Simple. Food.

For more information on this dough, photos and insight, CLICK HERE to view the forum thread.